Meatless Monday Chronicles Week 5

Select here to download a Breakfast E-Cookbook courtesy of Meatless Mondays organization.


Hello to all and Happy Meatless Monday!

So this is my 5th week in participating in Meatless Monday. Before I was trying to form a habit but now Meatless Monday is becoming a lifestyle. It is already set in my mind that I will not consume any meat on Mondays without question. That might appear to be a small accomplishment to some; however for me it is huge. Huge because it is a stepping stone to a lifestyle change that I am adapting. I would not recommend this pledge to someone that will view it as a quick way to lose weight. I urge you to pledge if you share the same feelings as I do.

Now let me share with you a challenge that I faced today. Normally I will plan meals for my family. Nothing extravagant, but we all plan because we have to take the food out of the freezer….right? Well I do not eat the same foods as my family on Mondays. Therefore I did not think about what I was going to eat. As a result, I had to come up with meals at the last minute. I am not a fan of meal prepping because I like for my food to be freshly prepared. I ended up eating quakers oatmeal for breakfast, a small salad for lunch and I have no idea of what I will eat for dinner.

How many of you experience the same? Are you a fan of meal prep? How do you schedule your meals? Please share as I would love to address this in a upcoming newsletter/blog post/possible youtube interview.

Last week, Kutlery Culinary shared a scrumptious recipe with us. Please reach out if you tried it so that I can share the feedback. I also attached a link to a breakfast cookbook courtesy of Meatless Mondays organization. I love the recipes because it appears to be simple, common and yummy.

Here is the link again and it is also at the top of the page!

Select here for a download of the the breakfast e-cookbook courtesy of Meatless Mondays organization.

Until Next Monday!


P.S. Hope to see you in class this week 🙂

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