Create Your Space ~ 30 day Yoga Virtual Program

This program is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of yoga, inspire a home yoga practice and live a blissful life to the best of her ability. The core of this curriculum is centered on the 8 limbs of yoga.

Patanjali’s eight limbs provides a blueprint to achieve and practice that balance. The eight limbs act as a guide for yogis to live a life of integrity, self-discipline, respect for nature and the spiritual aspects of life.

With 2D Flavor of course….here is the breakdown of this program:

  1. Yama aka the rules (wk 1)
  2. Niyama aka discipline (wk 1)
  3. Asana aka movement (wk 2)
  4. Pranayama aka breath (wk 2)
  5. Pratyahara aka withdrawal (wk 3)
  6. Dharana aka concentration (wk 3)
  7. Dhyana aka meditation (wk 4)
  8. Samadhi aka bliss (wk 4)

This is a virtual program that includes journal assignments, tasks, reading activities, assignments and video lectures that will help you to create a space to support your yoga journey.

We are the Ladies in Zen!

Click the following to sign up today!

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