Ctrl * Alt * Del ~ Join the 28 Day Mental Decompress Virtual Bootcamp starting 03/22/20

28 days Mental Decompress Bootcamp

Ctrl + Alt + Del

Control your emotions

Alter your mindset

Delete negatiivty

03/22/20 thru 04/19/20

It’s Virtual so Local or Non-Local are encouraged to join!

We know and we are witnessing how this virus is affecting so many people, physically and mentally. Even I had to put myself in time out so that I could pull it together. It saddens me to see how things are. There is no time like now for me to bring back my mental health bootcamp. My mission is to inspire a community in which everyone will receive emotional support as well as support one another during this time. This virtual bootcamp is also centered on self-love, self-care and mental health as a whole.

Welcome to the 28 day Mental Decompress Bootcamp.

You will receive motivation and inspiration from:

1. Home Yoga & Meditation video lessons instructed by me.

2. Weekly Live Yoga & Meditation Session.

3. Journaling Prompts/Assignments.

4. Scripture Readings.

5. Self-Care/Love Assignments.

6. Invitation to my new private Facebook Group

7. Weekly heart-to-heart group discussion call

8. Check-In Coaching and more!

Join me and let’s keep our positive vibes going!

The kickoff call is Sunday, March 22nd and the challenge will run until Sunday, April 19th.

Preregistration $39

10% off for Diamond Members

Please note that I offer a personalized plan that involves additional coaching and assignments that are tailored to your specific needs. For instance, yoga for depression, insomnia or journaling assignments and accountability coaching that helps with procrastination or eating disorders (just to name a few).

Here is the link for that and we will have our consultation afterwards.

Copy and Paste the following link if you prefer a personalized plan.

Let’s do this Zen Queens!

Let’s Ctrl + Alt + Del

Control your emotions.

Alter your mindset.

Delete negativity.

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